Over the past 25+ years, one of our most popular jewelry lines has been our collection of silicone rubber roll-on/roll-off bracelets that have one or more 14K yellow gold tubes (or cylinders). A cylinder may be plain or may be decorated by three painted glass evil eye cabochon stones or turquoise stones or oval crystals in different colors.
It all started with this single gold tube evil eye version (the all-time classic). Then, we created a multi-tube (usually three) evil eye version. Next came a single gold evil eye pendant version with a gold clasp. The next variation was the single turquoise tube version (with or without a gold clasp). After that, we added a bracelet with a single gold tube & multi-color oval crystals (with or without a gold clasp or a silver clasp). The next one was a three tube, non-clasp version of the oval crystal bracelet. The last gold version was a bracelet with multiple tubes and no stones. Finally, we created a sterling silver version of the all-time classic.
The contrast between the black color of the rubber and the gold color of the tube, coupled with the appeal of the 'evil eye" and their roll-on/roll-off ease of use, are undoubtedly the main reasons that customers, through the years, have been so attracted to these bracelets. Indeed, some customers love them so much that they never take them off!
Unfortunately, this kind of love, introduces a major problem: after many months of wearing a rubber bracelet in the shower (or in a pool) and then perhaps subjecting it to the intense heat of a hair dryer, the rubber hardens, becomes brittle and eventually breaks--especially when the user decides to finally take it off.
In other words, these rubber bracelets are intended for occasional use, not continuous use like a solid gold cross and chain.
Like any other reputable jeweler, we stand behind the quality of materials and workmanship of ALL our jewelry. Consequently, we will replace any rubber bracelet that fails within 30 days of purchase. However, repairing a brittle and broken rubber bracelet, after continuous use for one year (or more), will incur a $100 service charge.
Finally, please note that the gold tubes can be purchased separately and used with a plain gold bracelet chain of your choice (usually 7" of 8" long).
If you have any questions, please email us.